* Declare a tag defined by LLM_DEFINE_TAG. It is used in LLM_SCOPE_BYTAG or referenced by name in other LLM_SCOPEs.
* @param UniqueName - The name of the tag for looking up by name, must be unique across all tags passed to
* @param ModuleName - (Optional, only in LLM_DECLARE_TAG_API) - The MODULENAME_API symbol to use to declare module
* linkage, aka ENGINE_API. If omitted, no module linkage will be used and the tag will create link errors if
* used from another module.
#define LLM_DECLARE_TAG(UniqueNameWithUnderscores) extern FLLMTagDeclaration PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(LLMTagDeclaration_, UniqueNameWithUnderscores)
#define LLM_DECLARE_TAG_API(UniqueNameWithUnderscores, ModuleAPI) extern ModuleAPI FLLMTagDeclaration PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(LLMTagDeclaration_, UniqueNameWithUnderscores)
* Define a tag which can be used in LLM_SCOPE_BYTAG or referenced by name in other LLM_SCOPEs.
* @param UniqueNameWithUnderscores - Modified version of the name of the tag. Used for looking up by name,
* must be unique across all tags passed to LLM_DEFINE_TAG, LLM_SCOPE, or ELLMTag.
* The modification: the usual separator / for parents must be replaced with _ in LLM_DEFINE_TAGs.
* @param DisplayName - (Optional) - The name to display when tracing the tag; joined with "/" to the name of its
* parent if it has a parent, or NAME_None to use the UniqueName.
* @param ParentTagName - (Optional) - The unique name of the parent tag, or NAME_None if it has no parent.
* @param StatName - (Optional) - The name of the stat to populate with this tag's amount when publishing LLM data each
* frame, or NAME_None if no stat should be populated.
* @param SummaryStatName - (Optional) - The name of the stat group to add on this tag's amount when publishing LLM
* data each frame, or NAME_None if no stat group should be added to.
#define LLM_DEFINE_TAG(UniqueNameWithUnderscores, ...) FLLMTagDeclaration PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(LLMTagDeclaration_, UniqueNameWithUnderscores)(TEXT(#UniqueNameWithUnderscores), ##__VA_ARGS__)